WIP – Even better on Tuesday

Ok So I’m going to do my WIPs on Tuesdays because on Wednesday I want to focus my attention on Fiber Wordless Wednesdays.

Since I started documenting my WIPs I’ve realized how many projects I have started but not finished.  I have a LOT more than I’d like to admit but here are 2 that I’m focusing on completing.

The most important of these of course is my sock yarn shawl.  I want this thing DONE.  Unfortunately I don’t know when “done” is.  The measurement currently from neck to tip is 26” but how much will this thing stretch out when blocked?  I just don’t know.  I’d like that measurement to ultimately be 36” after blocking.  Oh well I guess I’ll just knit until the skein I’m using is done and see what happens.

Sock Yarn Shawl
Shawl is on 40" rounds

The 2nd project that I’m now starting to work on again in earnest is my summer afghan.  I started this one last year and found and about 30 finished squares in a tub while I was digging through my stash.  I figure I need about 60 squares to complete an afghan to fit a twin size bed.  M. Hates the colors but I like them, with snow storm after snow storm I need something bright and cheery to look at.

So what are you working on?