FAF: And They’re Off!

Happy FAF and Happy Anniversary to my hubby! Together for 10, married for 5.  Little did the poor guy know in that short time we’d own a farm, raise horses and alpacas and I’d turn into a fiber nut like his mother.  Shhhh I didn’t say that last part.

This weekend the weather is supposed to be totally awesome and I haven’t scheduled any vendor shows so this weekend is all free! (kind of)  Tomorrow is the 83rd running of the Genesee Valley Hunt Races.

I’ve either volunteered or vended at this races for the past 5 years so this time I’m going to enjoy it.  Best part this year is the NYFB got involved this year and has incorporated a lot of farming aspects to the event.  They will even have a fiber area where you can learn about fiber animals, processing of fiber and spinning into yarn and garments.   I think I’ll stop over and check it out.  Especially because the lady running it just bought 2 alpacas from me!  Fontina and Parcella D’oro will be going to their new home on Sunday!

Because I choose not to pedal my goods at the Races this year I have to make it up in other shows.   Instead I’ll be attending the PTSA Arts and Craft Shows for both the Victor and Nazareth Schools.  Which means I need more inventory!

I’ve set a pretty strict spinning schedule for myself to get 8 skeins spun and dyed before next Saturday.   So far I have 5 done.  I haven’t done any more since Wednesday (slacker) but in my defense I’ve been teasing and breeding alpacas. Good news, my breeding between Albina and Phoenix took!  Gosh I can’t wait for that cria, the genetics cost me small fortune, even in this alpaca economy, I’m actually hoping for a light colored male in hopes of a new stud for us.

Well that sums it up for me.