WIP: Thanksgiving Blend

I wasn’t in the mood to start any “new” projects so I decided to play with some scraps.

I have 2 scrap projects going.

1) Chaos Granny Square Patchwork Blanket.  If I get left over yarn I’ve been making up little square and have been crocheting them together.  Only rule, fiber used must be natural, no acrylics allowed! As for colors, don’t care.  I don’t care how tacky it ends up looking in the end nor do I care if the edges ever end up even.  The crazier the better.

2) Never Ending Granny Square.  Same rule, natural fibers only but this time I just keep adding to a square.  It should start to look interesting when my short scraps of yarn no longer can make a full turn around the square.

I probably will not be posting on Fiber Arts Friday so I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Safe Travels!