FAF: I’m Back! I think?

Hi Fiber Arts Friday Fans.

So for the past month I haven’t posted.  Why?  Day job, nuff said! Darn thing gets in the way of me having fun ALL the time.  Well with colleges and schools starting up again my work load drops off.  Thank goodness too because I was starting to get burnt out.

Anyway I’ve been able to pick up the fiber fun recently and here’s what I’ve been up to.

First I’ve been busy braiding LOTS of ropes.  I’ve finished 7 ropes in the last week.  Here’s a sample of some of the brightest dyes I’ve ever done in my life.

Alpaca Lead Rope

Of course I couldn’t help by braid up a pair of split reins for myself.  My camera still hates the color purple but here’s as close as I could get, the purple is nice and bright and the yellow is more of a gold color.  Can’t wait to show them off at my next horse show!

Alpaca Split Reins


Next photo is fiber-n-fiber,  I was stuck at a headend one day and brought my knitting with me.  Thought the concept of alpaca fiber and fiber-optics was way too funny of a photo to pass up.

Fiber and Fiber


Lastly I’ve been teaching myself a new braid!  This little tiny test braid has 12 strands! My that’s a lot of untangling of dangly ends.

12 strand braid

Ok that’s it for now.  What have you guys been up to?