Train Your Mini to Drive – Part 3 – Long Line

How has your mini been doing?  Have they figured out “walk-on” and “whoa?” Have you taken them places and asked them to do some obstacles? Great you’re ready for part 3!  Let’s start driving!

Well, maybe not driving but long line driving.  The next step is to get behind your  mini and have them do everything you asked of them while you were walking them by their side.

Tools needed:

      • Mini Halter
      • 2 lead ropes
      • Dressage whip

I bet you have all of that in your barn already! See you don’t need to buy a harness or cart yet for this step!

Clip the lead ropes onto the halter one on each side and get behind your little fluff butt and ask them to walk on.  Keep your reins low, below their bum so if they try to turn and face you you can easily redirect them the correct direction. If they just aren’t getting it, you can use a friend to help lead them on to start.  I find they usually figure things out pretty quick.

Practice your “walk-on” and whoa.  If they trot, make sure you asked for it. If you didn’t, have them slow back down to a walk.  To slow a gait you can say Easy, or sloooooow, or purr at them. Remember don’t say Whoa unless you mean stop and stand.

Once they are able to do straight lines go and whoa, start adding in some turns and go out on adventures.  This time if you walk down the road with your mini your neighbors won’t laugh at you and say things like “that’s a big dog” or “I thought you’re supposed to be driving that horse not walking it like a dog!”

If you’re just doing 10 or 15 min sessions this step should take you about 1-2 weeks.  Make sure when you ask them to Whoa that they stop and stand without moving or turning around.  They must do this without complaint before you can proceed to the next step.