WIP: Leftovers Scarf

Guess what! My SD Card on my phone randomly started working again.  So knock on wood my HTC Thunderbolt has 100% survived my washing machine.

That means I now get to show you what I’m working on.  Since I had left over yarn from my dreadful blanket project I decided to make a scarf out of it.  Since I already knew working with Lion Homespun totally sucks both on the needle and hook I opted to toss it on my blue loom.  So far no swear words!  It looks like the Homespun works up very nicely this way.

Speed Knitting iCord Using Embellish Knit

I’ve had time to get some video of how I make iCord.  I love iCord, you can do SO much with it.  But some projects I like to use it for such as ropes or rugs require a LOT of cord.  As in 100’s of feed of it.  I stink at knitting to begin with let alone attempt to knit that much cord.  So, I’ve come up with the ultimate speed cord method.


– Spool(s) of sock weigh yarn or lighter
Embellish Knit iCord maker
– Cordless drill
– Flat head bit

If you’ve never used an Embellish Knit before they can be a bit tough to start out.  In the video I’ll show you how to start your knit as well as how to speed it up to crazy speed!

My W.I.P. projects are at the end of the video.

WIP: Thanksgiving Blend

I wasn’t in the mood to start any “new” projects so I decided to play with some scraps.

I have 2 scrap projects going.

1) Chaos Granny Square Patchwork Blanket.  If I get left over yarn I’ve been making up little square and have been crocheting them together.  Only rule, fiber used must be natural, no acrylics allowed! As for colors, don’t care.  I don’t care how tacky it ends up looking in the end nor do I care if the edges ever end up even.  The crazier the better.

2) Never Ending Granny Square.  Same rule, natural fibers only but this time I just keep adding to a square.  It should start to look interesting when my short scraps of yarn no longer can make a full turn around the square.

I probably will not be posting on Fiber Arts Friday so I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Safe Travels!

WIP: Yarn Everywhere!

Good day all.

So that little headband I was making to compliment my new hand warmers….. yeah I haven’t touched it since last Friday.  I think I only have 4-5 more rows to do and yet it sits.  I’m a slacker.

My second project you’ll probably never guess.  But I’ll post a photo of what it looked like while I was taking a break.  The end result will be featured on my FAF post this Friday.

WIP: Why do we have 2 hands?

It’s well into fall and that means my company has kicked the AC into full gear for some unknown reason.  Since my hands were chilly I’ve decided to make myself a pair of fingerless mits.

So far I’ve finished this one.  Check out my lovely bruised knuckles.  I crushed them in some cattle panels over the weekend.  Awesome, eh?

So Question, why do we have 2 hands?  I’ve finished one of these things and have no interest in completing the other even though my right hand is now cold.  Darn you symmetry!  *shakes naked fist wildly into the air*

Yeah Ok that’s all I’ve got.  See you on Friday.