The Dark Side of Fiber Arts

My fiber guest room

The bright side of fiber working is the thrill of creating a usable end product from the fuzzy creatures that happily munch on hay in my front yard.  The dark side unfortunately comes from storing, sorting, and keeping inventory of all that fiber!

I long for a fiber studio where I can have a wall full of bins to keep fiber, yarn, fittings and tools on one side and counter space, dye pots and room to twist rope on the other.  Instead my storage space is shared with the small 11×11 guest room we have.  With a bed, 2 dressers, and a night stand taking up most of the space I also manage to store all of my yarn, fiber and finished product inventory.  It is a controlled chaos until someone comes to visit and then all of that “stuff” has to find a new home so my guests are not sleeping in yarn and roving.  Though I would think it would make for a soft, warm and comfy bed. 

Sadly the fiber craziness isn’t confined to just one room.  That space is just for storage.  When it comes time to actually card, spin or make rope I then consume the rest of the house.  I’m so happy my husband seems to tolerate most of my work.  That is until I am spanning yarn 25’ across the living room and into the kitchen to make a new mecate.  As long as I don’t block the view of the TV causing his Mario character to die some horrible death in lava I can continue my work.  

Oh how I long for my own space.  As I dream of a new barn I think of ways of how I can incorporate a fiber studio into it.  I’m thinking, who needs a hay loft? That could be one great fiber studio!  Yeah now that would be ideal, storage for the shearing harvest and plenty of room for a place to work with fiber.

Check out what others are up to on Fiber Arts Friday with Wonder Why Gal