WIP – Lollypop Scarf

Despite all the “issues” I have working with wool the fiber lover in me still can’t help but play with it.

As I’ve been skeinning and dyeing all the Lollypop Yarn I’ve been using the mini skeins to work on some projects that I will also be putting up for sale to raise $$ for Lollypop Farm.

Here’s a current scarf project I’m working on in a simple waffle pattern with a 4 row repeat

Row 1: Knit
Row 2: Purl
Row 3: K2 P2
Row 4: P2 K 2

As you can see by the lovely rash on my hand I am still allergic to the trace amounts of lanolin still in the yarn. Errr

Allergies smallergies, I’m still working on the scarf!

If you’re curious and want to learn more about the charity Lollypop Yarn that I’m using please CLICK HERE